Condecoración de la reina Isabel II de Inglaterra a Ignacio Echeverría

Condecoración de la reina Isabel II de Inglaterra a Ignacio Echeverría

jueves 19 de julio de 2018, 17:47h
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Ignacio Echeverría ha sido condecorado, a título póstumo, con la George Medal, una distinción que entrega la Reina Isabel II por actos de “gran valentía”. El que ya es conocido como el ‘héroe del monopatín’ falleció el 3 de junio de 2017 por ayudar a otras víctimas de los atentados de Londres. También ha recibido la insignia de Reconocimiento al Valor de la Reina Isabel la australiana Kirsty Boden, también fallecida en aquellos atentados cuando atendía a las víctimas.

Según el Comité que entrega esta condecoración, Echeverría “demostró un gran coraje al confrontar a varios terroristas armados” y “es indudable que su intervención permitió escapar a las víctimas, evitando más pérdida de vidas”. He aquí el texto completo que acompaña al anuncio de la condecoración:

Ignacio Echeverria, Civilian (posthumous), for confronting armed terrorists to protect others at London Bridge on 3 June 2017

On 3 June 2017, Ignacio Echeverria was cycling through Borough Market with friends when he witnessed a terrorist attack. On realising what was happening, he ran towards the terrorists, using his skateboard to strike them to prevent them from carrying out further attacks. The terrorists diverted their attention to him and inflicted fatal wounds. It is without a doubt that his intervention allowed victims to escape, thus preventing further loss of life.

Ignacio Echeverria displayed great courage when he challenged multiple armed terrorists. Using his skateboard as a weapon, he was well aware that it was no match for the weapons that were being used by the assailants. Regardless, he ran towards them with the intention of stopping them from carrying out further attacks on innocent people who were in the vicinity.

It is beyond doubt that he displayed great courage in choosing to try to tackle the attackers. He could have taken cover but did not do so. He was unarmed and untrained. The danger was apparent but he made a deliberate choice to try to stop the attack, putting himself in harm’s way. the assailants. Regardless, he ran towards them with the intention of stopping them from carrying out further attacks on innocent people who were in the vicinity.

It is beyond doubt that he displayed great courage in choosing to try to tackle the attackers. He could have taken cover but did not do so. He was unarmed and untrained. The danger was apparent but he made a deliberate choice to try to stop the attack, putting himself in harm’s way.

Condecoración de la reina Isabel II de Inglaterra a Ignacio Echeverría
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